Monday - Saturday8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
OfficesAddis Ababa , Ethiopia
Going Extra-Miles to Ensure Customer Satisfaction.

Derban Medtech PLC Expertise

A dedicated team of Senior Biomedical and Electromechanical Engineers and technicians who have years of combined experience in handling medical equipment in laboratories and hospital facilities, air filtration & cleanroom technology fields, are working together to keep clients satisfied. They are the backbone of the company and are a strong force to be reckoned with. They have the success of the business at heart and will go the extra mile to achieve customer satisfaction.

The pool of expertise available for work is listed below and additionally, we also have other experts who are working on-call basis.

Technical Team


Electrical & Biomedical Engineers

Electrical and Biomedical Engineer, Work experience since 2008 on design, installation, service, and calibration of medical, physicochemical devices, cold chain equipment, BSL1-3 Labs, including Negative Systems, BSCs, and other medical devices

Biomedical Engineers

Biomedical equipment technician, Related work experience since 2010 mostly on radiology equipment, and generally has experience on various medical devices.

Electrical and Biomedical Engineer, Related Work experience since 2010 on installing, and servicing medical equipment including radiology equipment.

Electromechanical Engineers

Mechanical and Electromechanical Engineer, Work experience since 1981 on different projects as project lead engineer, supervisor, and superintendent on different electromechanical designs, installations, and services.

We also have a lot of experience with different airflow systems and mechanics including air filtration systems, cold chains, water filtration systems, etc

Civil Engineers

These engineers support the installation of devices in different types of buildings and also in building supporting structures.

Advisor Engineers

Mechanical and Electromechanical Engineer, Work experience since 1981 on different projects as project lead engineer, supervisor and superintendent on different electromechanical designs, installations, service. Also have a lot of experience on different airflow systems and mechanics including air filtration systems, cold chain, water filtration systems etc.

and Many More...

Derban Medtech PLCHead Office

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Direct: +251 930 034 999
Whatspp: +251 930 034 999
Derban Medtech PLCOther Office
Juba, South Sudan
Direct: +211 920 890 769
Whatspp: +251 930 034 999
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Derban Medtech PLC is specialized and experienced in offering design, installation, maintenance, and calibration service for biomedical equipment, biological laboratories, and electromechanical control systems.
Derban Medtech PLCHead Office
OUR LOCATIONAddis AbabaEthiopia
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Derban Medtech PLC is specialized and experienced in offering design, installation, maintenance, and calibration service for biomedical equipment, biological laboratories, and electromechanical control systems.

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Copyright 2024  Derban Medtech PLC. All rights reserved.  Designed by Black Pixel Studio